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How to Choose a Social Media Platform for your Business

How to Choose a Social Media Platform for your Business
  • Identify your audience
  • Understand the audience for each social media platform
  • Instagram is mostly videos and images for younger people
  • Facebook is videos, images, information and news for older people
  • LinkedIn is for a B2B audience where you can promote your product or service
  • Pinterest is for images and people use it to shop
  • TikTok is supposed to be for a very young audience, but everybody is on there sharing one-minute videos
  • Start there, then check your competition
  • Be authentic and original

Hi my name is Lina Mateus from Digi-Clicks. Today my snackable video is about identifying the best social media for any business. Nowadays, a digital presence is key for any business. That’s why social media has become very popular and a lot of companies are investing money and time into these different platforms. In this video, I want to show you how to identify the best social media for your business. In that way, you can have better conversions and better results for your marketing strategy. So let’s start with a couple of steps that I think are useful for this process.

The first step is to identify your audience. It is very important for any business to know their clients: who they are, what they like, or what they do. You can check your analytics or you can check with your actual clients.

The second step is to learn the audience of each social media platform. For this step i created a simple slide that basically will show you the audience on each social media platform.

Let’s start with Instagram. On instagram, most of the content are videos and images from people that interact with this social media platform. They are younger people. If a way to share your product characteristics is by a video, Instagram is the way to go.

Another social media platform that is very useful is Facebook. Here you can share not only videos but images, information blocks, news, and everything that you want about your industry. The audience on this social media platform is a little bit older. If your audience is 50 plus, facebook is the way to go.

I would like to talk about LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great social media platform for business to business. Here you can interact with companies and you can network or connect with people. This is a great tool to promote your product, to send messages to specific people in a specific industry or company.

Pinterest is another social media platform that is very popular. Believe it or not, a lot of users use Pinterest as a way to shop. Most people go to Pinterest for inspiration and ideas. But when they find a product that they like they just purchase it. So it is a great social media platform for business to customers. And, I will say that there are specific industries that are more effective on this social media like fashion, restaurants, and bakeries. So, go on Pinterest and check it out.

Let’s talk about TikTok. It has been a very popular social media platform this year and it’s supposed to have a very young audience. However you can tell that there is not any specific audience on this social media platform. It is for everyone. Young people, older people, everyone wants to check it out. But what I can tell you is that TikTok is a great way to share video content. A lot of people are using it to see how-to videos. For very quick how-to videos. So you can share that about your product, or you can share videos about your clients. It is a great tool right now and I think everyone should be there to try it out and see the results.

Now that we learned about the audiences on the different social media platforms. It’s time for you to check your competitors on all social media platforms. It is important that you find your competitors’ websites and your competitors’ social media accounts or profiles. Identify the trends. Identify the kinds of promotions that they are offering, how they are promoting their products. This is key for your company.

But I have to tell you this: in order to be successful on social media, you have to be authentic. So take this a step just to have a general idea of trends for your industry. But do not copy them. Just take that as a base, and based on that create authentic content.

Last, identify the kind of content your audience needs. If you decided to go with LinkedIn, try to share information that is very specific and very professional. If you want to share videos about your products, go to Instagram or TikTok. And, if you want to share ideas and images of your products, Pinterest is a great option. Just think about your audience and what they will like, and that’s the key.

I hope this video really helps you identify the best social media for your business. It is really important that you invest your time and money in the right way. So let us know if you have any questions. Bye!

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Lina Mateus
Lina Mateus

Founder and CEO of Digi-Clicks, attended Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia where she obtained a Bachelors degree in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing in 2010. She went on to obtain a Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business. Upon completion, she began her career at Consorte Marketing in NYC as Associate Marketing Manager, primarily dedicating her time to affiliation campaigns and web analytics. She later moved on to work for Mattel Inc. There she worked as a Digital Associate focused on content creation and optimization of media channels including content marketing strategy, SEO Optimization, and promotional content. In 2013, Lina began working for Comcast as a Research Analyst responsible for performing market research and analyzing transactional history and purchase patterns in order to provide recommendations to promote strategic efforts and impact sales effectiveness. Lina is the mother of Baby Ben and Olivia, a running fanatic, and a professional FOODIE! Website: Digi-Clicks

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