Show Real World Experience Using Social Proof. If you’re a recent college graduate, it’s likely you have very little professional experience in your intended field. Rather than waiting and building your resume after you get your first job, think about ways to create a body of work despite having no job. One great way to do this is by creating a blog and social media posts.
For example, if you plan to go into engineering, then a first step would be to create an engineering blog. Set a goal of one article per week about some trending engineering topic in the news. Then, supplement this with daily tweets, posts to TikTok and other social media channels. Make your profiles specific to your field of study so that the messaging is clear—leave your personal posts on separate profiles.
Then, promote all of your professional social profiles on LinkedIn, on your resume, and wherever people may find you. A great way to do this is by creating a free page on Linktree, where you can consolidate all of your social profiles into a single link.
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